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New Year…BETTER You!

The ONLY Resolution You Need to Make this Year

Now that we got your attention—it’s true. The only New Year’s resolution you really need to make this year is simple. To Choose Health! Choose to be healthier by making better choices. We all KNOW what we are supposed to do—but we make excuses. Get motivated. Stay informed. The AC team has continuously provided wellness articles and information to our patients because we believe that knowledge is empowering, and with the proper knowledge, you can take charge of your health.

With the uncertain future of healthcare looming, it’s encouraging to see more people taking control of their health (life). People are tired of being sick and overweight, and they are frustrated with symptom management through prescription drugs. People are frustrated with insurance companies dictating how to manage their health options. People are hungry for knowledge on how to live well, in order to be well. It’s an exciting time for the AC family, as we continue to offer more ways to achieve good health from the inside out.

At AC Spine & Wellness, our integrated approach focuses on 3 things:

  1. Removing Toxins
  2. Correcting Nutritional Deficiency
  3. Correcting Spinal & Nerve System

This is what makes us different. This approach is what makes us the BETTER choice for BETTER health.

This year, go ahead and reach for a better life, a better you; and then go for it. You deserve it!

We are here to give you the help when you need it. The first step is the hardest, so take it slow and don’t get frustrated when life temporarily gets in the way, that’s normal.

Keeping it real and simple is the best way to make – and keep – your New Year’s resolutions!

Dr. Jeanette Altieri Dr. Jeanette Altieri is a licensed Chiropractor serving the Lawrenceville community for more than 20 years.She is certified in the Webster technique, a safe and gentle technique for turning breech babies, with specialty areas in Nutrition, Pediatrics, and Pregnancy. She is an international speaker, speaking to chiropractors, their families and staff about the care of infants, children, pregnancy and motivation. She also co-hosted a local radio talk show, “Health Talk,” to help educate people on the benefits of alternative therapies and wellness.

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